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In the fifteen years that Soundview Medical Supply has been providing incontinence care and senior care products to the Pacific Northwest, we’ve learned a lot about what goes into caring for others. As a caregiver, you’ve got a lot on your plate, so we’ve worked to make things easier for you by collecting the knowledge you need in one easy resource for you to reference when needed.

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Articles, links, and other resources for providers and staff of Adult Family Homes, Certified Family Homes, Adult Foster Care, and similar small group homes.

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Resources for staff at Assisted Living Facilities, Memory Care Centers, and other facilities that house a larger number of residents.

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Learn more about how to handle incontinence care and related issues in a home care environment, both in yourself and those you love.

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If you just want to browse all of our resources as a series of blog articles, you can do so here.

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Facilities may be eligible for discounted rates. Please call us at 1-800-845-4925 to learn more.